Headed by H.E. Eng. Sultan Al Mansoori, UAE Minister of Economy, The UAE Official Trade & Investment Delegation to South Africa will provide UAE-based companies with the knowledge and contacts necessary to do business in South Africa through business forum, exhibition and networking events.
Joining the mission will offer UAE exporters a perfect networking opportunity with government officials from South Africa and will provide them with the key contacts and information to establish a business in South Africa.
We are pleased to welcome you all to join the UAE Ministry of Economy trade mission to South Africa from June 22nd - 25th 2019, Johannesburg, South Africa and joining the UAE Pavilion at the Africa Trade Week.
9:00 A.M.
Arrival and registration of delegate and networking
9:30 A.M.
CEO Roundtable with selected SA and UAE CEOs (By Invitation Only)
10:30 A.M.
Welcome and Introduction by H.E. Mahash Saeed Al Hameli, UAE Ambassador to South Africa
Keynote address by
H.E. Eng. Sultan Al Mansoori, Minister of Economy, UAE Ministry of Economy
Minister of Trade & Industry, South Africa (TBC)
10:45 A.M.
Opportunities for Doing Business in South Africa
Ambassador Sadick Jaffer, Chief Director - Investment Promotion, InvestSA
10:55 A.M.
UAE Economy at a Glance
Mr. Mohammed Nasser Al Zaabi, Director of Trade Promotion Department, UAE Ministry of Economy
11:05 A.M.
South Africa Foreign Trade Opportunities
Speaker from TDI - South Africa
11:15 A.M.
Export Credit Opportunities for Facilitating UAE - South Africa Trade
Massimo Falcioni, CEO, Etihad Credit Insurance, UAE
11:25 A.M.
Coffee Break
11:35 A.M.
Panel Discussion: South Africa UAE Exports Opportunity
Safiyya Akoojee, Director, Thomson Wilks Inc, UAE
Marianna Bulbuc, Founder & Managing Partner, Bizzmosis Business Services
Rola Abu Manneh, CEO, Standard Chartered Bank, UAE
Miller Matola, CEO, Mill Vest Investment and Business Advisory, South Africa
Judy Nwokedi, Secretary General, Black Business Council, SA
12:35 P.M.
Closing Remarks
12:45 P.M.
Networking Lunch
14:00 P.M.
Speed Networking program and B2B Meetings
14:30 P.M.
End of the day
H.E. Mahash Al Hameli
UAE Ambassador
to South Africa
Ambassador Sadick Jaffer
Chief Director
Investment Promotion, Invest SA
Rola Abu Manneh
Standard Chartered Bank, UAE
Massimo Falcioni
Chief Executive Officer
Etihad Credit Insurance
Marianna Bulbuc
Founder & Managing Partner
Bizzmosis Business Services
Mohamed Naser Hamdan Alzaabi
Trade Promotion Department Ministry of Economy, UAE
Mohammed Al Awadhi
Director General
Sharjah Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Safiyya Akoojee
Thomson Wilks Inc, UAE
Miller Matola
Mill Vest Investment and Business Advisory, South Africa
Judy Nwokedi
Secretary General
Black Business Council, South Africa
AED 9500
AED 5500
A limited amount of sponsorship packages are available for companies wanting greater presence and exposure, ranging from Main Sponsor and Support Sponsors to Reception and Networking Break sponsors.
Please contact info@ejtemaat.com for more information and detailed partnership packages.
Registration is closed!